Please pray for our sick and homebound Ryan Morris, Jasper Biondo, Nancy Montgomery, Chuck Slaker, Suzanne & Joe Anderson, Jane Patrick, Michelle Voorhis, Therese & Jon Brander, Steve Perrotta, Rose Murphy, Elana Hapheev, Diana E. Butler, Kathy Canter, Phil Magnotti, Mary Elizabeth Ellsworth, Ann Smagala, Thomas Elicker, Carolyn Field, Ginny Lippincott, Judy Legnard, Antone Erelli, Katheryn Sino, Brian Gambacorta, Ed Binder, Kim Zilm, Joseph Bailey, Bonnie Purner, Robert O’Brien, Jr., Carlos Newman, Arthur Stringer, Wally Gusten, Martha Meyer, Nicole Robinson, Kathy Lind, Joey Vitale, Dick Butler, June Jeckel, Larry Greenhut, Cheryl Bilodeau, John Ross, Jr., Michael Nicholas, T.J. Labruzzo, Sylvia Marchese, Barbara Fnekkortin, Suzanne Coughlin, Gordan Schetter, Mary Connelly, Troy Maccagnano, Amanda Ratnam, Jean McQueen, Stephen Powell, Phyllis Nicholas, Tyler Teryea, Michael Woodrow, Isabell MacKercher, Doris Turner, Millie Turcott, Grace Folts, Michelle and Brian Cox, Gordon Nichols, David Miele, Patrick Huels, Stephen Mosso, Maria Drexler, Rose Marie Cole, Linda Houston McDonnell, Clark Carroll, Amy Austin, Janet Swanson, Jane Bachman, Frank Johnson, Timothy Lucid, Kamryn Slater, Sophia Chant, Andre Bordeleau, John Creede, Cindy Moffitt and Mary Jane Blake, Debbie Curto, Marge Dunham, Dennis Galle, Jean Bureau, Jacquelyn Tyner, Mike Palamar, Richie Rogers, Becky Buncey, Annette Shannon, Jane Stine, Barbara Vitale, Mary Tessier, Theresa Cassella, Peter Nicholas, Pat Vallejo, Emmy Palamar, Lizzy Raeder, Carol Quinn, Frank Majkut, Mark Cararo, Lloyd Watkins, Kevin Rovito, James Newell, Lynn Smith, Brian Lashway , Diane Storie, Fr. Nellis Tremblay, Betty Thompson Fishlock, Josephine DeSanno, Dominic DeSanno, Joseph Hanlon, Joseph Scrivo, Terry Lowell, Mikenzie Monroe, Debbie Andersen, Jacqueleen Chavez, Carl Cedrone, Dorothy Schwartz, John McDonnell, Jodi Crocitto, Judy Creede, Mary Fiato, Rebecca Fiato, Rebecca Schomaker , Gregory Bodenhorn, Fran Poltanis, Lou Poltanis, Robert Buhrmaster, Kate, Annabelle & Henry (Buhrmaster), Sarah & Egan (Buhrmaster), Richard Stuhler, Cecelia Tomber, James Williams-Ness, William Synnott, Marion Sause, Michael J. Sabo.
Please pray for our women and men who are in service to our country:
Rita DeSanno, Tim O’Brien, Eric Lamb, Bryce Crandall, Ryan Mulcahy, David Mulcahy, Jay Norton, Eric Irish and Dave Hennessey