
Each Wednesday, from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm in the Chapel, we provide Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for adoration. In November Adoration is moved into the main church for the winter months. Please join us during this time for an hour of quiet adoration.  Make the commitment for an hour each week.  There are sign-up sheets available at the back of the church.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist the clergy before, and during Mass as well as special occasions.  Adults and students who received their First Eucharist are welcome to join this ministry.  Prospective servers are instructed in the proper procedures and assigned an experienced  “co-server” for the first several times as an altar server.  Altar Servers are usually assigned to one Mass per month, depending on the number of serves available. They are scheduled, whenever possible, to the Mass time and Sundays of their preference.  Adult Servers are always welcome and needed, especially to offer their services at weekday funerals.          

Altar Workers

A monthly ministry of volunteers who attend to the altar needs. Once a week for a month, volunteers clean the church, wash and dry the cruets, change the altar linens, etc.  Training is provided. Volunteers are welcome.

Eucharistic Minister (EM)

Eucharistic Ministers are called to administer the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ to their sisters and brothers at all Masses and to bring the gift of Jesus to shut-ins. They should have a good theology of Eucharist and the Real Presence.  Ministers are generally scheduled to serve at the Mass of their choice and may be called upon to assist at Mass if the regularly scheduled EM is not present and did not get a replacement. We welcome all confirmed high school young people and adults.  Seasonal parishioners are always welcome to be a part of this ministry. Training is provided.            


Lectors are an important and integral part of Mass. To begin, the lector processes  to the altar with the altar servers and priest/presider at the beginning of Mass. The lector proclaims the first and second readings (and may, on occasion, be required to read the responsorial psalm).  The priest/Presider (and if present the deacon) proclaims the Gospel.  At the conclusion of the Homily and Profession of Faith, the lector reads the  petitions within the Prayer of the Faithful. Lectors are scheduled for each Mass on a rotating basis. Schedules are developed on a bi-monthly basis and distributed to all lectors. A workbook is provided that includes readings for the church year. This book describes styles and techniques of reading that are helpful to the lector. It is expected that the lector will practice the readings during the week, and not come to Mass unprepared. It is helpful if the lector has some experience speaking in public, but is not necessary.  Lecturing can build confidence in the individual. Please consider this ministry as way of becoming a part of our parish community.

Liturgical Environment

Ministers in this ministry make liturgical and seasonal changes, are involved in the planning of special Masses, sacramental and church feasts.

Music Ministry

It has been said that when we sing, we pray twice. The music ministry adds to the devotion and joy of the Eucharistic celebration through its songs with instruments and voices. We praise God, not just with our voices, but also with our hearts. The joyful songs we sing invite all members of our faith community to be one in song, one in faith and one in heart. If you feel so inclined to praise God in song, join us. New members are always welcome, and if you play an instrument, please consider bringing it along.